What comes to mind when you think of hypnosis? Do you think of weird and mysterious sideshows involving faith healers causing people to behave in very abnormal ways? Whatever it is, most of us have some kind of preconceived idea about what we think hypnosis is, yet this is often due more to fiction than reality. This often creates anxiety and apprehension about hypnotherapy and prevents people from discovering its true wonders. So what is hypnotherapy? Ultimately, hypnotherapy is a deep relaxation process that opens the door to the unconscious mind where the most profound change can occur. Unlike other therapeutic methods, hypnotherapy bypasses the conscious mind, helping people get to the root of the problem they are experiencing, which is often hidden in their subconscious mind. Word enhancement hypnotherapy is the experience of an "altered state" of consciousness or a different type of cognitive processing, which gives people a different type of consciousn...